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Red Rock and Rangelands
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St. George, UT January 29 - February 2, 2017
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Society for Range Managment Advisory Council
I. Purpose
The Society for Range Management's Advisory Council shall serve as a planning, consultative, and advisory body to the Board of Directors, to provide the means for discussion and evaluation of Society affairs by a broad spectrum of membership, and to provide the opportunity for reporting on, exchanging ideas about, and evaluating Section and Society activities and programs.
II. Committee Structure
The official Advisory Council shall be composed of the President and two elected officers of each Section of the Society. For the purpose of conducting normal business at the meetings of the Advisory Council duly authorized members of Sections may serve as alternates. The Advisory Council shall be chaired on an annual basis in accordance with the Advisory Council Procedures as approved by the Board of Directors.
III. Advisory Council Meetings
The Advisory Council shall meet at the place and time of the annual meeting of the Society, in both separate session and in joint session with the Board of Directors, and may also meet at such other times and places as it may decide. Written and/or electronic notice from the chair of the Council to its members and publication of meeting notice in a Society periodical are both to be made at least 30 days prior to the date of the meeting.
III. Committee Resources
Society for Range Management
6901 S. Pierce St. Ste 225
Littleton, CO 80128
Phone: (303) 986-3309 Fax: (303) 986-3892
Email: info@rangelands.org
©2003- Society for Range Management. All Rights Reserved.