SRM Membership Renewal:
SRM membership renewals are in full swing!
If you have any questions regarding your renewal please call the SRM Business Office at: (785) 865-9456. Or email: Click here to view our membership brochure and other publications.

Ecological Site Description Workshops:

The Ecological Site Description workshop series hosted by SRM and agency partners is a landmark effort that involves opportunities for critical interagency discussion. Click here for more information.
The webpage is now available for the SRM Ecological Site Description Workshop that was held in Winnemucca, NV June 5-7 2012.
Click Here.
Rangeland News Website
SRM BOARD OF DIRECTORS will meet via conference call monthly.
Schedule for upcoming Board calls:
SRM BOARD OF DIRECTORS will meet via conference call the last Thursday of the month at 11:00 AM MT. (Dates and times subject to change.)
November Board call: November 17, 9:00AM MT
December/January to be determined
Online meeting:
Dial In Number: 866-254-5984
No PIN needed
Sage-grouse no longer listed as endangered
SRM has issued a press celebrating the greater sage-grouse non-listing decision. SRM will continue working with the Sage Grouse initiative (SGI) in the months to come on this issue as it moves forward. Read the full press release.
Other Events of Interest:
USDA-NRCS Webinars Available & Offering SRM Continuing Education Credit (CEUs)
Email for more information
SRM YPC Wildrags for the 2016 Annual Meeting
Corpus Christi, TX. Deadline is Sept. 15.
Click here for details.
We are happy to report that SRM journal access login issues have been resolved!
All you need to do to gain online access to your respective journal subscriptions is log in to the SRM Business site just as you normally would do,
Once logged in, select Journals from the menu bar. You will see a button below each journal to which you have online access which will take you directly to that journal.
If you don't see a button/link below a journal you think you should have access to, please contact us at, or by phone at 800-627-0326 x456; direct at 785-865-9456.
We thank you for your continued patience as we've worked to resolve the problems with journal access.
Happy reading!
2017 SRM Officers Election Results
Please join us in congratulating your new officers!
2017 2nd Vice President
Dr. Clayton Marlow
2017 Directors
Dr. Karen Hickman
Jeff Goodwin
A big THANK YOU to all candidates for their participation in this year's election.
We genuinely appreciate your willingness to serve the SRM!
Announcing an International Travel Fellowship (ITF) for the 70th Annual Society for Range Management Meeting, Technical Training and Trade Show to be held January 29 to February 02, 2017 at St. George, Utah! The theme of the 2017 meeting is Red Rock and Rangelands.
We seek outstanding rangeland professionals from outside the USA and Canada to apply for an ITF that will provide registration and general travel support to attend the 2017 SRM Annual Meeting. See the application details and a list of previous winners here.
A description of the 2017 SRM Annual Meeting, as well as portals for the submission of abstracts, in addition to registration and lodging information, is found here.
Abstracts for meeting presentations are due 28 October 2016.
While a presentation is not mandatory for ITF applicants, it is preferred. Applications for the ITF award are due 01 November 2016. The winner will be notified on 18 November 2016.
The SRM website is experiencing difficulties with the latest version of Internet Explorer. If you have having trouble viewing menus, please switch to a different browser or try to run IE in Compatibility mode. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Post-Doctoral Position: Savanna Rangeland Fire Ecology and Management Scientist
(More Info)
Post-Doctoral Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
(More Info)
Position Announcement: Assistant Research Scientist Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
(More Info)
Position Announcement: ID Department of Lands Grazing Farming and Conservation Specialist
(More Info)>
Preserve Manager - Panoche Valley, The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) (More Info)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rangeland Social Science, Dept. of Forest & Rangeland Stewardship, Colorado State University (More Info)
Ecosystem Management (EMI) Field Botanist/Biologist Positions (More Info)
Texas A&M Agrilife Research at Vernon (More Info)
Program Coordinator: Cooperative Extension, Northern Arizona
(More Info)
Livestock and Natural Resources Cooperative Advisor Serving Fresno and Madera Counties (More Info)

Earn your master’s from a leader in sustainability and natural resources.
Learn more about Colorado State University’s online Natural Resource Stewardship–Rangeland Ecosystems Specialization and Integrated Resource Management programs.
