Postions Announcement - Posted on 5/19/2016

Assistant Professor of Rangeland Ecophysiology, Texas AgriLife Research-Vernon (100% Research); this is a 12-month non-tenure track research faculty appointment, with an academic appointment in the Ecosystem Science and Management Department at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
General Duties and Responsibilities: Conduct research to evaluate rangeland landscape responses to grazing use and environmental change in the semi-arid environment of the Texas Rolling Plains region and develop sustainable systems for landscape restoration and adaptation. The faculty member will be expected to establish cooperative and multi-disciplinary team research projects in integrated livestock and wildlife systems, coupled with complex climate change adaptive interactions at the landscape or watershed scales. Research topics might include carbon cycling, gas exchange, and management of invasive native and exotic plants at temporal and spatial scales of extensive livestock production or wildlife management systems. The scientist will lead or contribute to interactive and collaborative team research dedicated to advancing the development of integrated systems for livestock grazing, invasive species management, rangeland restoration, and/or carbon sequestration in the Texas Rolling Plains and nearby Texas High Plains. The faculty member will be expected to publish refereed journal articles and technical papers, secure external funding, communicate effectively with collaborative faculty and clientele groups, and supervise assigned technical staff or graduate students.
Required Qualifications and Experience: Ph.D. in ecosystem science and management, ecophysiology, range science, natural resources, or closely related disciplines by date of appointment. The successful candidate must demonstrate knowledge and research experience in restoration of depleted/damaged rangelands at pasture, landscapes, or watershed scales in agricultural livestock/wildlife production systems, coupled with carbon flux and nutrient cycling. Applicant must demonstrate ability to obtain significant extramural funding for research, appropriate computer skills, communicate effectively in the English language, and interact effectively with colleagues and regional clientele groups. A demonstrated ability to work with external partners in team research involving rangeland ecologists, agronomists, soil scientists, geospatial hydrologists and, and economists at Vernon and Amarillo is highly desirable. Post-doctoral research experience is preferred. Remote sensing and eddy covariance flux measurement skills are desirable as well.
Headquarters for this position: Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, TX
Closing Date for Applications: July 31, 2016, or until filled.
Date Position is Available: September 1, 2016.
Application Process: Please apply online for NOV#09439 at
Questions should be directed to: Dr. W. R. Teague, Professor (Search Committee Chair) (; Mr. David L. Jones, Business Administrator (; or Dr. John M. Sweeten, Resident Director (j- Mailing/physical address: Texas AgriLife Research-Vernon, 11708 Highway 70 South, P. O. Box 1658, Vernon Texas (USA) 76385. Phone: 940-552-9941; fax: 940/ 553-2317.
Texas A&M AgriLife is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Veterans/Disability Employer.
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