Position Announcement: Post-Doctoral Position: Savanna Rangeland Fire Ecology and Management Scientist
Texas A&M Agrilife Research is seeking a post-doctoral scientist in savanna rangeland fire ecology and management at the Sonora Research Station.
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Position Announcement: Post-Doctoral Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
The University of Wyoming is seeking four individuals to work on a ranch modeling project to estimate the economic impact to both a part-time and a full-time ranch in regions where greater sage-grouse management concerns exist.
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Position Announcement: Assistant Research Scientist Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
The University of Wyoming is seeking four individuals to work on a ranch modeling project to estimate the economic impact to both a part-time and a full-time ranch in regions where greater sage-grouse management concerns exist.
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Position Announcement: ID Department of Lands Grazing Farming and Conservation Specialist
The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) is recruiting at the full-working Senior and at the underfill Level with a specialty of Grazing, Farming, and Conservation in Craigmont or Kamiah. The position will be located in Craigmont or Kamiah, depending on where the successful candidate resides.
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Position Announcement: Preserve Manager – Panoche Valley
The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) is seeking two Preserve Managers for the Panoche Valley Preserve. Primary stewardship activities include shrub restoration, grazing management, biological monitoring, and planning activities (plans, budgets and reports). Grazing is an important means of vegetation management on this 25,000-acre site and the Managers will work with the grazing lessees to achieve appropriate vegetation structure for focal wildlife species (generally listed species) while providing appropriate conditions for cattle. See http://cnlm.org/donate-get- involved/opportunities/ for more information and to apply for this position.
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Position Announcement: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rangeland Social Science, Dept. of Forest & Rangeland Stewardship, Colorado State University
We seek a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Rangeland Social-Ecological Systems (RSES) Lab, led by Dr. María Fernández-Giménez. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will work with an interdisciplinary team to investigate how individual ranchers and a multi-stakeholder group make rangeland management decisions and the ecological, social and economic outcomes of these decisions. The successful applicant will work with this team to generate publications, mentor students, and inform rangeland management through outreach and stakeholder engagement.
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Position Announcement: Ecosystem Management (EMI) Field Botanist/Biologist Positions
Ecosystem Management (EMI) is hiring five field botanists/biologists to conduct vegetation sampling on Navajo Nation June–August (maybe some of Sep.). Work, which would start June 6, mainly includes sampling plant biomass production using the double sampling (estimating and harvesting) method across northeastern Arizona and northwestern New Mexico.
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Position Announcement: Texas A&M Agrilife Research at Vernon
Assistant Professor of Rangeland Ecophysiology, Texas AgriLife Research-Vernon (100% Research); this is a 12-month non-tenure track research faculty appointment, with an academic appointment in the Ecosystem Science and Management Department at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
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Program Coordinator: Cooperative Extension, Northern Arizona
The person in this position will be the primary coordinator for extension rangeland monitoring efforts in the northern region of Arizona, but will collaborate with similar programs in other regions of the state. This person will work under the direction of the Rangeland Extension Specialist responsible for northern Arizona and will also assist with other extension activities such as publications, workshops, youth camps, or applied research projects. Minimum of B.S. degree in rangeland/natural resources/ agriculture and 4 years experience is required. MS degree in rangeland/natural resources/ agriculture preferred. The position is benefits eligible. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA - M/W/D/V Employer.
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Livestock and Natural Resources Cooperative Advisor Serving Fresno and Madera Counties
The University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a statewide program with local development and delivery, is seeking a Cooperative Extension Advisor to conduct a locally-based extension, education and applied research program. The focus within the livestock area will be on livestock production and marketing, food safety, herd health and management, forage production, invasive species, and grazing management. Natural resource efforts will address water quality, forage production, grazing systems, soil health and the wide array of issues surrounding provision of ecosystem services on rangelands.
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National Program Leader Position for Animal Food Production
The USDA, Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Office of National Programs, Animal Production and Protection in Beltsville, MD, is seeking a permanent, full-time, National Program Leader with a background in food animal production research including breeding and genetics, genomics, behavior biology, molecular biology, nutrition, reproduction, physiology, production systems, economics, and product processing technologies. The National Program Leader position serves as a focal point for national leadership and coordination of agricultural research programs relating to food animal production research and will also serve as part of the leadership team for national programs in aquaculture and pasture/forage/rangeland.
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Tenure Track Professor in Sustainability Science-Rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
The Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability at Colorado State University invites applications for a tenure track professor in Sustainability Science at the rank of assistant or associate professor. We seek applications from candidates who have expertise in the role of how socio-economic factors constrain and provide opportunities for solving current sustainability challenges for social-ecological systems across multiple spatial and temporal scales.
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Area Agent, Environment and Natural Resources & Animal Sciences, The University of Arizona, Gila County Cooperative Extension
The primary responsibility of this position is to provide leadership in developing and conducting researchbased educational programs in animal science, primarily livestock production, and range management with emphasis in Gila and Pinal Counties. The area agent will also participate in planning or implementing natural resource educational programs which complement range livestock production. A major programming effort is in administering the federally funded Reading the Range rangeland monitoring program which is in place on over one million acres on the Tonto National Forest.
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Research Faculty - Extension Specialist, University of Idaho, Boise, Idaho
The University of Idaho invites applications for an extension and research faculty position in rangeland ecology and management to be located the in Boise, ID. The successful applicant will be affiliated with the UI Rangeland Center, hold an appointment in the Forest, Rangeland, and Fire Sciences Department, and will be a part of University of Idaho Extension.
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Postdoctoral Researcher: Post-fire recovery of mule deer habitat in juniper-invaded sagebrush-bitterbrush ecosystems
The Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term Postdoctoral Research Associate position. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Dana Sanchez and Dr. Lisa Ellsworth, together with a collaborative research team including the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Reappointment for the second year or beyond is expected and depends upon annual review and availability of funding.
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USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Range and Meadow Forage Management Research Unit, Burns, Oregon
The duty station for this position is Burns, Oregon in the southeastern portion of the state. The incumbent would serve as Research Leader for the Range and Meadow Forage Management Research Unit. This position offers a challenging career opportunity for a dynamic individual seeking a rangeland research leadership role. The incumbent serves as Research Leader over a complex research program providing the science for sound land and livestock management focusing on productivity, weed invasion, species composition, and water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles in rangeland and meadow plant communities of the Great Basin. Oversight includes direct supervision of unit employees to develop high quality research outcomes with impact.
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Beef Cattle Research Assistant, Browns Valley, CA
The University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, is recruiting for a Beef Cattle Research Assistant, Closing Date: 2/1/16. Full time, permanent. Manages beef cattle herd; supports research related to cattle health and production; develops, monitors and executes grazing plans at the UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center in Browns Valley, CA. For more information and to submit application, please visit; https://jobs.ucop.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=59117%20
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Position/Organization/Location |
Alternate Contact |
Apply By |
Rangeland Resource Management Intern / The Great Basin Institute and the BLM / Redding, CA |
Amy Gladding 775-674-5486 rarecruitment@thegreatbasininstitute.org |
01/15/2017 |
Postdoctoral Position in Fire Ecology and Pollination / University of Texas at Austin / Austin, Texas |
Shalene Jha 512-232-1792 sjha@austin.utexas.edu |
02/28/2017 |
Team Leader, Rangeland Mgt Specialist /Range and Pastureland Inventories / Western Nebraska |
Wade Anderson
308 665 5445 wadeanderson65@gmail.com |
03/31/2017 |
Summer Rangeland/Ranch Technician /Range and Pastureland Inventories / Western Nebraska |
Wade Anderson
308 665 5445 wadeanderson65@gmail.com |
03/31/2017 |
AmeriCorps Ecological Field Monitoring Technicians (multiple locations in Nevada) / The Great Basin Institute / Multiple locations |
Amy Gladding 775-674-5486 rarecruitment@thegreatbasininstitute.org |
02/01/2017 |
Ecological Monitoring Coordinator / The Great Basin Institute / Reno |
Amy Gladding 775-674-5486 TSmith@slo.state.nm.us |
11/16/2016 |
Range Ecologist / New Mexico State Land Office / Santa Fe, NM |
Tina Smith 505-827-4445 rarecruitment@thegreatbasininstitute.org |
12/11/2016 |
Area Resource Conservationist / Field Support Office / Rapid City, SD |
Tate Lantz tate.lantz@sd.usda.gov |
11/13/2016 |
Ecological Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring Program Coordinator / The Great Basin Institute and the BLM / Elko |
Amy Gladding 775-674-5486 http://crcareers.thegreatbasininstitute.org/careers/careers.aspx?rf=SRM&req=2016-RAP-117 |
11/25/2016 |
MacMillan Private Lands Management Fellow / University of Wyoming Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources / Laramie, Wyoming |
Nicole Korfanta
307-766-5306 korfanta@uwyo.edu |
11/21/2016 |
Rangeland Specialist / The Nature Conservancy in Oregon / Enterprise, Oregon |
Jill Schellberg jill.schellberg@tnc.org |
11/27/2016 |
Elko District Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring Program Coordinator / The Great Basin Institute and the BLM / Elko, NV |
Amy Gladding (775) 674-5486, http://crcareers.thegreatbasininstitute.org/careers/careers.aspx?rf=SRM&req=2016-RAP-117 |
10/09/2016 |
Agricultural Land Mngr 2 or In-Training Land Mngr 1 / Washington State Department of Natural Resources Southeast Region / Pasco, Washington |
Emma Barnett (509) 899-9461, Emma.barnett@dnr.wa.gov |
10/16/2016 |
Rangeland Management Specialist / Nebraska National Forest, Bessey Ranger District / Halsey or Valentine, Nebraska |
Julie Bain (308) 533-8115, jbain@fs.fed.us |
11/31/2016 |
Area Assistant Agent / Mohave County Cooperative Extension / Kingman, AZ |
Andrew Brischke (520) 271-1331, brischke@cals.arizona |
10/31/2016 |
Lands Resource Specialist - Grazing, Farming and Conservation - Regional Position / Idaho Department of Lands / Kamiah, Idaho |
Karena Whitmore (208) 334-0205, careers@idl.idaho.gov |
10/31/2016 |
Senior Programme Officer, Global Drylands Initiative, Global Ecosystem Management Programme (IUCN Vacancy #1366) / Nairobi, Kenya | https://hrms.iucn.org/vacancy/1366 | Until Filled |
Range Technician / GS-0455-5/6/7/8/9 / Del Norte, CO | Tanner Dutton 719-657-3321, dmgomez@fs.fed.us |
10/10/2016 |
Range Management Specialist / Idaho State Department of Agriculture / Boise, ID |
Sarah Mabey (208) 332-8521, jobs@isda.idaho.gov |
9/26/2016 |
Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring Program Director / The Great Basin Institute / Reno, NV | Amy Gladding 775-674-5486, http://crcareers.thegreatbasininstitute.org/careers/careers.aspx?rf=SRM&req=2016-RAP-106 | 9/30/2016 |
Wallowa Canyonlands Partnership Coordinator / Wallowa Resources / Enterprise, OR | Lindsey Jones 541-426-8053, peg@wallowaresources.org | 9/27/2016 |
LAND HEALTH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT LEAD / The Great Basin Institute and the BLM / Elko, NV | Amy Gladding 775-674-5486, Email*: http://crcareers.thegreatbasininstitute.org/careers/careers.aspx?rf=SRM&req=2016-RAP-105 | 9/25/2016 |
HR Consultant / Washington State Department of Ecology / Richland, WA | Morgan Gilchrist 360-407-6186, careers@ecy.wa.gov | 9/30/2016 |
Ph.D and MS Assistantships / Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences / Brigham Young University / Provo, UT | Matthew Madsen (801) 422-2458, matthew.madsen@byu.edu | 11/30/2016 |
Range Management Specialist / Idaho State Department of Agriculture /Boise, ID | Sarah Mabey (208) 332-8521, jobs@isda.idaho.gov | 08/15/2016 |
Restoration Ecology and Natural History Faculty / Department of Environmental Science and Management | Dr. Alison O’Dowd (707) 826-3438, ecoresto.search@humboldt.edu | 10/14/16 |
Rangeland Specialist / Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District / Sebastopol, CA | Brittany Jensen (707) 823-5244, Brittany@goldridgercd.org | 08/16/16 |
PhD Graduate Student / Oregon State University / Union, Oregon | Bryan Endress (541) 962-3115, bryan.endress@oregonstate.edu | 01/01/17 |
Research Ecologist / U.S. Geological Survey / Flagstaff, AZ | Seth Munson 928-523-7740, smunson@usgs.gov | 08/01/16 |
Range Unit Manager (Land Mgr I) / The AZ State Land Department / Phoenix, AZ | Monica Lobato, HR Manager 602-542-2629, mlobato@azland.gov | Open Until Filled |
Range Resource Area Manager / The AZ State Land Department / Phoenix, Tucson or Flagstaff | Monica Lobato, HR Manager 602-542-2629, mlobato@azland.gov | Open Until Filled |
Faculty Position in Environmental Science / Brigham Young University / Provo, UT | Neil Hansen, 970-219-3698, stclair@byu.edu | August 1st, 2016 |
Graduate Research Assistant/Associate / North Dakota State University / Fargo, ND | Ryan Limb, 701-231-5828, ryan.limb@ndsu.edu | December 31st, 2016 |
Ph.D. Assistantship, Environmental Stewardship / North Dakota State University / Fargo, ND | Miranda Meehan, 701-231-7683, miranda.meehan@ndsu.edu | August 1st,2016 |
Rangeland Specialist, Hamer Environmental, Central and Southeastern Oregon | Kelley Turner, (360) 899-5156, Kelley@HamerEnvironmental.com | March 15, 2016 or until filled |
Range Monitoring/Animal Science Agent, Gila County Cooperative Extension, Globe, AZ | Mori Farmer, (928) 474-4160, mfarmer@cals.arizona.edu | Until Filled |
Current Job Listings:
UPDATED 11/07/16
- Post-Doctoral Position: Savanna Rangeland Fire Ecology and Management Scientist
(More Info) - Position Announcement: Assistant Research Scientist Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
(More Info) - Post-Doctoral Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
(More Info) - Position Announcement: Assistant Research Scientist Position: Sage-grouse Management Economic Impacts on Ranches
(More Info) - Position Announcement: ID Department of Lands Grazing Farming and Conservation Specialist
(More Info) - Preserve Manager – Panoche Valley, The Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM)
(More Info) - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rangeland Social Science, Dept. of Forest & Rangeland Stewardship, Colorado State University
(More Info) - Ecosystem Management (EMI) Field Botanist/Biologist Positions
(More Info) - Texas A&M Agrilife Research at Vernon
(More Info) - Program Coordinator: Cooperative Extension, Northern Arizona
(More Info) - Livestock and Natural Resources Cooperative Advisor Serving Fresno and Madera Counties
(More Info) - National Program Leader Position for Animal Food Production
(More Info) - Tenure Track Professor in Sustainability Science-Rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability, Colorado State University
(More Info) - Area Agent, Environment and Natural Resources & Animal Sciences, The University of Arizona, Gila County Cooperative Extension
(More Info) - Research Faculty - Extension Specialist, University of Idaho, Boise, Idaho
(More Info) - Postdoctoral Researcher: Post-fire recovery of mule deer habitat in juniper-invaded sagebrush-bitterbrush ecosystems
(More Info) - USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Range and Meadow Forage Management Research Unit, Burns, Oregon
(More Info) - Beef Cattle Research Assistant, Browns Valley, CA
(More Info) - Associate Professor or Professor, Texas A&M
(More Info) - Lands Program Manager for the Grazing, Farming and Conservation Leasing Programs, Idaho Department of Lands
(More Info) - Farm Director, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky
(More Info) - Rangeland Ecologist, Turner Enterprises, Inc., Bozeman, MT
(More Info) - Assistant/Associate Professor of Rangeland Livestock Department of Animal and Veterinary Science Department, University of Idaho
(More Info) - Plant Conservation Biology/Herbarium Director, Department of Natural Resource Management, South Dakota State University, Brookings
(More Info) - Conservation and Land Management Internship Program
(More Info) - The Nature Conservancy – Zumwalt Ecology Technician – Enterprise, OR
(More Info) - Professor and Endowed Chair in Ranch Management, King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management (KRIRM)
(More Info) - Sagebrush Shrub-Steppe Wildlife Habitat Ecologist, Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, Oregon State University – Corvallis campus
(More Info) - Assistant Professor of Wildland Watershed Management, The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, University of Wyoming

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