Employment Announcement Policy for the Society for Range Management
The Society for Range Management offers this employment announcement service to help promote careers in rangelands. SRM will not accept responsibility for errors of any kind on approved ads. All advertising content is subject to SRM approval. SRM reserves the right to reject any ads that are not related to the field of range management or if they conflict with SRM's mission/vision.
Premium Advertisements: Advertising rates include online publication on www.RangelandNews.org, SRM's monthly online membership newsletter, which is distributed to approximately 3,400 members on the 1st Wednesday of the month. An abbreviated listing in the bi-monthly printed newsletter and on the SRM website are also included.
Click here for a form listing ad prices, sizes and ordering information (pdf form)
SRM Advertising Rates | ||||
Ad Size: | Dimensions: | SRM Commercial |
SRM Member Rate: | Non-Member Rate |
Full | 600 words | $210 | $240 | $300 |
2/3 Page | 430 words |
$147 | $168 | $210 |
1/2 Page | 330 words |
$112 | $128 | $160 |
1/3 Page | 225 words |
$ 70 | $ 80 | $100 |
1/4 Page | 150 words | $ 56 | $ 64 | $ 80 |
1/8 Page | 75 words |
$ 28 | $ 32 | $ 40 |
*Please contact us if you are interested in placing an ad for multiple months. |
Premium advertisements will receive the following:
- A listing on the SRM homepage for two weeks
- A listing on the Job Listings page of www.rangelands.org for 6 weeks or until closed; whichever comes first
- A page on SRM’s website. The ad size purchased will be reflected in the amount of copy included in the webpage listing. Please refer to the word count above.
- Up to two logos or graphics may be submitted for use with the announcement (may affect ad size)
- Inclusion in the Rangeland News webpage for one month. The ad size purchased will be reflected in the amount of copy included in the newsletter listing. Please refer to the word count above.
- A standard listing in the printed version of Rangeland News, regardless of purchase size.
Please note: These options are available only in addition to purchase of premium advertising purchase and cannot be purchased separately.
RangeFlash Advertisements:
SRM distributes a weekly e-newsletter, the RangeFlash, on Wednesdays. The RangeFlash is sent to about 3,000 members each week. Job announcements of 75 words or less and a link to a full listing can be added to a purchased advertisement.
- $50 for a listing in one RangeFlash
- $25/each for additional RangeFlashes
Social Media Advertisements:
SRM has a growing following on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It is especially well represented by young people who are just entering the field of Range Management. SRM will post your announcement on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to help further distribute your message.
- For an additional $25 SRM will post the job on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts
Submission Requirements: SRM accepts ONLY digital ad submissions. Ads may be submitted in MS Word or PDF format. If sending via PDF, please activate all links within the document. All ads require final approval in writing by the advertiser. Send ad material to: Info@Rangelands.org or call 303.986.3309.
Deadlines: Rangeland News / www.RangelandNews.org: Ads with final approval must be received by SRM by 12:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month prior to month of publication to be included. Ads received after the deadline will be posted on the SRM website only. RangeFlash / Social Media Ads: Information needs to be received by noon on Tuesdays to be included in a Wednesday distribution schedule.
Send electronic copy of ad material to: info@rangelands.org or contact by phone at
(303) 986-3309
If you need proof of a job advertisement or would like access to online tearsheets, click here for the Rangelands News Issues available online.
Want to add your rangeland event to our calendar? Send your request to VTrujillo@Rangelands.org
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