Just as rangelands are diverse, so are range-related careers. Just look at the SRM membership as an example of this diversity!
The demand for professionals who can manage rangelands is currently very high. Nearly all students graduating with degrees in range science & management are finding opportunities for jobs. Many mid-career professionals also appear to be switching to rangeland management as a second career choice. Though the demand for quality new recruits appears high, there also appears to be a decreasing supply of job-ready seniors from university programs.
The Society for Range Management (SRM) is concerned about the future management of rangelands. We are especially concerned about the future of the workforce dedicated to managing these lands. Information from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reveals that at least 30% of the workforce currently classified as "Rangeland Management Specialists" (i.e. 454-series) within the US Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will likely retire in the next 10 years. Who will fill their shoes?
SRM is helping to fill this void. We will help you announce your employment listings to our membership through our online newsletter, websites, and social media outlets and weekly e-newsletter if you so choose. Visit our Policy page to learn more about pricing and distribution options.
View some of the latest employment announcements:
Want to add your rangeland event to our calendar? Send your request to VTrujillo@Rangelands.org
Earn your master’s from a leader in sustainability and natural resources.
Learn more about Colorado State University’s online Natural Resource Stewardship–Rangeland Ecosystems Specialization and Integrated Resource Management programs.