Range Science Education Council
A Group of representatives from Universities and Colleges that offer courses and degrees in rangeland ecology and management.
Range Science Information System RSIS Range Science Information System is a citation bibliography with over 1,400 peer-reviewed bibliographic citations of professional journal articles and documents focused on: riparian, weeds, wildlife, vegetation, soils and rangelands management.
Texas Native Lands Alliance The Texas Native Lands Alliance (TNLA) provides organizations with similar interests in the stewardship of native lands with a structure to leverage their strengths and unify their collective efforts, significantly improving everyone's ability to educate the citizens of this state about the value and proper use of Texas native lands. The mission of the TNLA is to focus our collective efforts to more effectively promote awareness of the benefits that managed native lands provide to all Texans.
BEHAVE BEHAVE is a research and outreach program aimed at understanding the principles that govern diet and habitat selection. We are dedicated to inspiring and enabling people to understand and use knowledge of behavior, ours and other creatures, to discover sound ecological, economic, and social solutions to land management issues, and to work with others to reconcile differences of opinion about how to manage landscapes. We are headquartered at Utah State University with collaborators from across the U.S. and around the world.
California Rangelands The California Rangelands website is maintained by the California Rangelands Research and Information Center (CRRIC). The purpose of the CRRIC is to develop research and extension education initiatives and to foster collaboration between California rangeland researchers and educators.
Wyoming Technical Service Provider Site The Technical Service Provider program, authorized by the 1985 Farm Bill and amended by the 2002 Farm Bill (P.L. 107-171), expands the availability of technical services to carry out NRCS Conservation Programs. Technical Service Providers (TSPs) provide direct technical assistance and deliver conservation services to landowners and others.
Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaluation Project
The Sagebrush Steppe Treatment Evaulation Project (SageSTEP) had its roots as a large-scale scientific experiment to evaluate methods of sagebrush steppe restoration in the Great Basin. Since 2005 we have been studying the effects (ecological, economic, physical and societal) of land management options to provide resource managers with improved information to make restoration management decisions with reduced risk and uncertainty. Over time, our outreach program has become very wide-reaching, and our website now does much more than simply describe our own study and its immediate findings. We have a number of products that may be useful for range managers in our region and beyond – from a fact sheet about fuel treatment costs to a guide to legal resources for range restoration practitioners.