The SRM Watershed/Riparian Committee (WRC) began as a Board designated Task Group initiated in 1988 by a group of dedicated members committed to addressing emerging issues relative to this critical resource area. It remained a Task Group until 1992 when it was converted to full committee status as the need to give long-term attention to the condition of rangeland watersheds and riparian-wetland areas was recognized as increasingly important. Through periodic reviews, changing membership and flexible governance, this committee remains active and relevant, serving the Society and others in support of the strategic plan, in a manner that is congruent with existing policy and position statements, resolutions and in accordance with the bylaws. More specifically, the WRC focuses attention, knowledge and staff work on watershed and riparian issues as related to rangelands. The committee functions to:

Aerial view of watershed in tall grass prairie
near Eureka, Kansas
- Provide opportunities to share information and ideas, develop networks of people, and foster institutional relationships.
- Serve as a forum for discussing and addressing current events, issues and initiatives.
- Organize symposia bringing pertinent issues before SRM and other affiliates.
- Review and provide comments on legislative or policy proposals, research and other publications. Serve on task groups when requested.
- Provide recommendations to the Board concerning SRM policy and position statements and resolutions relative to watershed and riparian resource issues.
- Coordinate with other SRM committees and other professional societies.
Session: Assessment and Monitoring of Lentic Riparian Areas
SRM Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City, OK
- Meadow hydrogeomorphic types for the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Ranges in California - Dave A Weixelman
- Forest Service Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Protocol - Joseph Gurrieri, Christopher Carlson, Linda Ann Spencer
- Lentic Riparian Monitoring Focused on Objectives - Sherman Swanson
- Assessing Proper Functioning Condition (PFC) of Lentic Areas - Sandy Wyman
Helpful Links
Fact sheets of common eastern Oregon riparian plants:
Idaho Plant Materials Center publications:
Plant Materials Center riparian publications:
Forest Service Fire Effects Information System:
Field guide to Intermountain sedges:
Field guide to Intermountain rushes: