2008 SRM Annual Meeting - Louisville, KY
Attendance: Bob Wesley, Jake Powell, Summer Schulz, Dennis Phillippi, Jenny Pluhar, John Tanaka + 22 members (approx 8 new folks)
Dennis Phillippi gave a BoD update which included continued/strengthened involvement of YPC in the main Society along with option for future funding assistance! Jenny Pluhar was identified as the new YPC Rep to Board of Directors (vice-Karen Launchbaugh). John Tanaka gave overview of his position as Exec VP for SRM and an update on main SRM website. YPC was presented with an Ad Hoc seat on main SRM Advisory Council (Paul Loeffler Chair/ Roy Roath outgoing Chair)
Attendees broke-out into groups to mix and brainstorm ideas for future meetings; * items to be carried forward:
- *Combine business mtg with luncheon
- *Food at mtgs
- Off-site logistics
- *Luncheon same day/time each year
- *Post needs/to-do's on webpage
- *Build YPC at section level
- *Post a how to start up YPC at section on webpage
- *mixer for YPC (ie: at Reno)
- symposia - YPC focused
- workshops co-sponsored with LDC etc
- work with other main committees
- *section rep updates - luncheon
- *tour or field trip (ie: rangeland health)
- *rangeland cup + undergrad speaking contest: YPC at sections can help with local teams and judging. Rachel Mealor will send updates to me for mass mailings and posting on web. www.rangelandcup@rangelands.org
- *Put section newsletter deadlines on webpage
YPC AC Chair position will be shared by Liza Slusser and Julie Finzel. British Columbia is own chapter within PNW and is pretty active. AZ and NM Sections were represented at the meeting with YPC Section Reps identified:
- NM: Leland Roberts = AC Rep, and Josh Voss = Section Rep
- AZ: Katie Giroux = AC Rep, and Jamie Wages = Section Rep
YPC Luncheon:
38 attendees at luncheon
Jason Hohlt and Bob Wesley gave YPC intro and Dennis Phillippi gave greetings from SRM BoD.
Jill Burkhardt was announced as new YPC President- Elect!
Chuck Jureki, Jenny Pluhar, John Tanaka, Roy Roath, Dennis Phillippi, and Stan Tixler were panelists who discussed how being involved with SRM has helped them in their careers. The luncheon boasted a great turn-out, very enlightening talks, and good questions from attendees.
YPC Involvement at SRM 2008 Annual Mtg:
YPC events, Board of Directors meeting, Advisory Council meeting, Info & Ed Committee, Invasive Species Committee, Job Fair and Employment Room, Leadership Development Committee, Tapping the Top, judging of student posters and university displays, mentor activities, and planning for 2009 SRMs.
Ben Baldwin and Liza Slusser wrote-up a strong proposal for future mentoring opportunities; there was no post-meeting SRM Council meeting, so report was not able to be presented.
Future YPC Involvement Opportunities:
LDC: Mentor program, workshops - the sky is the limit!
Job Fair/Employment Room: recruiting help throughout the year for Job Fair/potential employers; organization/ implementation help with Employment Room and Job Fair
I&E Committee: SRM slogan, etc
Tapping the Top: need for event Co-chair (Heidi Olbert to fill position), continued help with organization/implementation
Invasive Spp Committee: 2009 and 2010 symposia planning
Advisory Council: YPC has been given Ad-Hoc status on the AC
Planning Committee: recruiting help for 2009 and 2010 meetings - would like YPC more involved