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ESD and STM Development Technical Workshop
Spokane, WA
January 28, 2012

Workshop Agenda

Interagency Ecological Site Applications Workshop


ESD and STM Development Technical Workshop
January 28, 2012 - Spokane, WA

Audience: This workshop is designed as an in-depth, technical training for those involved in the development of ecological site descriptions and state-and-transition models; particularly agency employees, contractors, and researchers with ESD/STM development responsibilities.


  1. Provide an overview of the history, concepts, and applications of ESDs and STMs.
  2. Provide examples of successful STM development using a variety of data sources.
  3. Provide training and access to tools available for accelerated ESD development.
  4. Provide examples of successful management applications of ESD and STM concepts.
  5. Create networking opportunities and generate discussion among ESD specialists.

Background: Individuals tasked with writing ecological site descriptions (ESDs) and state-and-transition models (STMs) often have difficulty obtaining and/or summarizing the information necessary to produce documents that are useful to management. This workshop seeks to review and build on the ideas presented at a previous workshop (Billings, MT 2011), with an added emphasis on the development and use of STMs for rangeland ecological sites. Part one provides details about the ecological site land classification system and new information about the ESD development process. Part two includes a brief review of the ESD development tools presented in Billings, a question and answer session, available downloads of ESD development tools, and a poster session for sharing new ESD development tools. Part three provides examples of STM development using common data sources of varying type, quality and quantity. Part four provides examples of innovative ESD and STM applications, including an introduction to riparian ESDs, user-friendly electronic ESDs, ESD-based field guides for pinyon-juniper woodlands, and an introduction to Forage Suitability Group Descriptions.

Note: This workshop is intended to facilitate communication among ESD development specialists. It is not meant to endorse certain methods, nor is it intended to set ESD development protocols. Rather, it is an opportunity to share ideas and build relationships in an effort to improve the accuracy and efficiency of ESD development. Many ESD and STM development methods are not presented at this workshop, and participants are encouraged to share their ideas and experiences with each other and with workshop organizers in a professional manner.

Workshop Organizers: Lead Organizer: Jamin Johanson -
Workshop Advisors: Joel Brown, Linda Coates-Markle, Sarah Quistberg, Susan Andrews, Pat Shaver, and Shane Green

To register for the workshop, check the box next to "ESD and STM Development (Sat. January 28th)" on the SRM registration form, under the heading "Special Interagency Workshops." If you do not plan to attend the entire SRM conference, you can still register for the workshop by checking the "One day rate" box and the "Saturday" box on the SRM registration form, under the heading "Registration Categories." Those who pay for the "One day rate" of $125 on Saturday are not required to pay the additional $15 workshop registration fee. However, they should still check the "ESD and STM Development (Sat. January 28th)" box on the SRM registration form, under the heading "Special Interagency Workshops."

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