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70th SRM Annual Meeting & Trade Show

Red Rock and Rangelands

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Registration is now live! Click HERE to register today

St. George, UT
January 29 - February 2, 2017

Student Recruitment
Rangeland Careers
SRM Nominating Committee

The Society for Range Management Nominating Committee annually receives nominations for the office of Second Vice President and Board of Directors from qualified voting members of SRM or from any SRM Section.  After reviewing the submitted nomination packets and interviewing nominees at the annual meeting, the Nominating Committee selects 2 candidates for Second Vice President, and 4 candidates for Board of Directors and presents the list of candidates for the SRM election ballot to the Executive Vice President prior to the end of each annual meeting for approval. 

Members of the SRM Nominating Committee are appointed by the First Vice President of SRM for three year terms.  Nominations Committee members are normally selected to represent different geographical areas and professional occupations, thus providing a broad-based representation of the Society for Range Management's membership.  If you have any questions about the nominations process or if you would like to recommend a SRM member as a potential nominee please contact a member of our committee.

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